Goodwill Delegation Visit to China

Address by Information Officer of UN, Mrs. Kumari Wickramasinghe
The International Peace Day is an annual event which we observe at some of the Schools from our study circles. United Nations Association of Sri Lanka celebrated the UN Peace day on 19th September 2015 at Sri Chandrasekera Maha Vidyalaya at Horetuduwa, Panadura. Executive Chairman of the Association, Brigadier G. V. Elapatha presided the meeting and Mrs. Kumari Wickramasinghe, the Information Officer UN was the Chief Guest. Mrs. S. D. P.J. Abeysena, Principal of the School, teachers and students of the School and Dr. G.P.P.Silva former Editor, Mr. Dharmadasa Vitharana Assistant Secretary General, Mr. E. Karunarathne Executive Committee Member are participated at this ceremony.
Key-note address was delivered by Mrs. Kumari Wickramasinghe, the Information Officer of UN. She explained the objectives of the UN, Activities of the UN Agencies and contribution made to maintain peace and harmony among nations as well as contribution made towards education of children in the world. She also appreciated the services rendered by the UNASL.
Dr. Parakrama Silva, the former Executive Chairman of UNASL stated that the activities of UNASL made a contribution to improve the awareness of school children about UN and its activities through the school Program established by UNASL. The Principal of Sri Chandrasekera Maha Vidyalaya Mrs. S. D. P.J. Abeysena also spoke at the meeting. The ceremony was organized and conducted by the prefects and the students of Sri Chandrasekera Maha Vidyalaya. The Information Officer of UN Mrs. Kumari Wickramasinghe donated publications of UN for raising awareness of student population about UN and its Agencies.